rangeman no signal


New Member

Bought my rangeman since 11/2014 in the Philippine and I'm not able to sync since because they don't have a signal there, I'm now in Japan and switched my timezine to tokyo, but still it couldn't get any signal. last sync is last 11/2014 as well.

Any idea what maybe the problem? I showed it on a gshock store here in tokyo but they couldn't sync my rangeman as well


New Member
Ummm.... because you bought it in the future and it can't sink to the past?

Seriously - while you were in Tokyo and they tried unsuccessfully to sync your watch - did they show you syncing another one? Just want to make sure they could sync from their loaction (some buildings interfere)...


Well-Known Member
Hello Mark,

Try going through the mode key until you get to the screen where it shows you the last time it sync ( should be the seventh screen) before returning to the home city screen. If its showing you November of this year that's part of the problem. The atomic signal won't be received because the watch is a default mode. Think of it like an automatic transmission with electronic controls, when either the hydraulic pressure is wrong or something else internally is being monitored by the over speed sensor it will automatically set the transmission in default mode. Its a build in safety feature. Same thing happens with the atomic signal.

Make sure you have your home city setting set correctly; then go to the screen where it shows the last time the watch was synced (7th Screen). You can then manually tell the watch to go into sync mode by pressing the forward button and holding it until you see the watch trying to receive the signal. The watch acts like a transponder it sends a signal and the big antenna where the signal emanates receives that electronic ping and recognizes the signal; it then in turn sends a secondary ping to it and once its received your watch will remember when and where to look for the home signal. It is very important you orient your watch in the general direction of the signals point of origin. (For example I live in San Diego so the closets antenna for me is at Fort Collins Colorado. Therefore, all my atomic watches are oriented at a 45 degrees due East. This ensures my watches calibrate no matter what time of day).

Try this to begin and see if this helps recalibrate your watch. Please let me know what happens. Also ensure you don't place your watch over night close to any computers, TV's and most important satellite radios 'cause they generate an electromagnetic field which will definitely run interference with your watch no matter what you do.

Hope this info helps you.

Very Sincerely,


New Member
Sorry i'm assuming that the 11/14 means November 2014 or is November 14 2013? Yes they tried other rangeman and it has signal 3 bars and does sync. Tried force syncing by pressing the forward but after it reaches L3 it says Err.


Well-Known Member
Ok Mark let's try this again. Where are you located at? You tells us you bought the watch this year in the Philippines is that where you live? Or are you somewhere else in the world? Is there anything else on the watch which does not work properly? If there is what is it?


New Member
I'm staying at Saitama now. I bought it last november 2013 in the Philippines. Watch is working fine other than the reciever which i was not able to test when i was in the Philippines.


New Member
I'm staying at Saitama now. I bought it last november 2013 in the Philippines. Watch is working fine other than the reciever which i was not able to test when i was in the Philippines. It doesn't have any signal, and last received is 11/14


Well-Known Member
I'm staying at Saitama now. I bought it last November 2013 in the Philippines. Watch is working fine other than the receiver which i was not able to test when I was in the Philippines. It doesn't have any signal, and last received is 11/14

Ok Mark,

I've read through the manual for the Rangeman and there is a couple of things they ask you to do so the watch calibrates properly.

This is straight from the manual:

Proper time calibration signal reception, and World Time Mode and Sun Rise / Sun Set Mode data dependent on Correct Home City, Time, and Date settings in Time Keeping Mode. Make sure you configure these settings correctly.

Saitama, Japan is located between Fukuoka / Fukushima you should be receiving the signal without any problem. However, try orienting the watch at night in a 45 degree position towards either location you wish. You are located in between the two transmitting towers. Ensure your watch is not close to a television or computer and above all a satellite radio. My watches 98% calibrate during the night between 2400 / 0600 your location should receive the strongest signal during these times. Unless you are getting interference from the waste electromagnetic fields emanating from Tokyo City you should be ok.

Do make sure like the manual says that all your other settings are correct. If not then contact Casio Customer Service and exchange the watch. They are pretty good about there warranties and should honor it with no problems. Please let me know how it works. Because of your geographical location your Home City should be set for Tokyo.

By the way I did two tours of duty in Okinawa back in my day. I had a blast in Japan. Great people, Great food, and awesome history full of rich tradition and beauty.



New Member
Thanks a lot BB72

Will try what you advised later tonight. If it fails I might need to have to serviced back in the Philippines when I go back. Yeah I have to agree its amazing here. Advance tech yet tradition and culture is still well preserved and practiced.
