~~~WRUW - 18th Dec 2013~~~


New Member
Late evening change 2 a rather not 4 night G, but I don't care much: the orange Summer Gradation -->


And a couple of pilsen beers with my good friend Rose.

+ Cheers,
Marcos :D


I think Tapatalk is just resizing weird. Same photo I posted elsewhere on WRUW. Same settings as before as well.

sent with aloha


New Member
Thanks Will, I 2 love this little guy in orange... Funny thing, I got it in a website which it is pretty much like e-bay (mercadolibre.com.ve) and I wasn't quite sure if I was going 2 like it or if it was legit... And now I reckon I was very lucky I decided 2 pull the trigger.

If I find one again, now I know you'll fancy it.

+ + Cheers,
Marcos :D

Awesome pics of the Basel 6900 Grip, that's one of my favorite 6900's in my collection.

And Marcos, I have been looking for that orange gradation forever, love it