WRUW 31st May 14


New Member
time.is and time.gov are exactly the same, i am not sure about time.is but i know time.gov is from NIST which is responsible for all the atomic clocks in the US.

i don't know if you know this, but there is a phone number you can call which tells you the exact time from NIST, its been around since forever. when you call a recorded voice with a metronome in the background tells you the exact time its called the time master clock, I've checked it against my iPhone and my sync'ed watches and it is perfectly timed, just a cool fact, try it the # is (202)762-1401


I remember as a kid on the rotary phones we could dial "popcorn" and get the time. We thought that was amazing.

As for NIST, I'm a little familiar ;)


sent with aloha


Well-Known Member
Well Guys,

I had a lot of errands to do yesterday. So I did not had the opportunity to contribute to our outstanding forum. However, Will the information you shared about the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is dead on. Many years ago before the Military had Atomic time keeping technology we would get our updates from them; but with the improvement of Military technology that became a thing of the past. Interesting fact Atomic time keeping was improved by the military to aid them in satellite targeting and acquisition. I have a couple of buddies which are still on Active Duty which do this kind of work and is really neat.

In the United States, the standard of time is regulated by the US Naval Observatory's Master Clock (USNO), the official source of time for the Department of Defense. The effects of these mechanisms are felt by all of us in the form of alarm clocks, computers, answering machines and meeting schedules.

Like always Will and Chris you guys are at the forefront of very useful information you guys ROCK. Hopefully everyone had a good day and God bless all of you always.
