G-Shock spare parts suppliers

G-Shock spare parts suppliers are listed by country. Those highlighted in bold are known to ship internationally, others may but this has not been verified.

[h=2]Hong Kong[/h]
bbtiesto (eBay seller) - http://stores.ebay.com/bbtiesto-G-Shock-Store
Javy's - 852-3669-1000 - service@javys.com - http://http://www.javys.com

Casio UK - 020 8208 9567 - http://www.casio.co.uk/Support/
Tiktox - http://www.tiktox.com

Anytime310/vbeme (eBay seller) - http://stores.ebay.com/Anytime-310
Casio USA - 1-800-223-2001 - http://www.casio.com/support/buyparts/
Casio Sales And Service - http://www.casiosalesandservice.com/
American Perfit Crystal (East Coast) - 212-246-8292 (NY), 800-345-0537 (Outside NYC) - http://www.americanperfit.com
Pacific Coast Parts Dist. Inc. (West Coast) - 310-515-0207, 800-421-5080 - http://www.pacparts.com