What have you got incoming?


New Member
Ok GM not exactly London but Hong Kong .. Deal ?


Tom's right, London isn't the place you wanna go :)

...GM, I reckon if you went to HK you'd be in danger of coming back with enough Gs to open up your own museum :)

I'm pretty certain HK will have a BR Frog or two lying around, there's no G, no matter how rare or vintage that HK doesn't have tucked away in a corner somewhere or worse, on somebody's wrist you happen to pass by on a busy street!

REALLY NOW??? dont tempt me guys, this sounds like I really have to go see it.. so will it have more Gs than in Tokio then? actually I havent found THAT much awesome stuff in Tokio but may have not looked in the right places and not enough time too... hmm Hongkong... havent been there in a long time.


New Member

Hehe... Ahoi!!


New Member
Awesome Grip!

I too need to make a pilgrimage to HK.

Purchased this morning, shipping from Florida. Seller's photo.


sent with aloha

hehe good one, too!

YES let's all invade HK, get Tom to show us all the good shops then battle for who gets which watch... then we all take cookie and 10 bottles of champagne (Tom again) to the coast and celebrate our shopping madness... then we need to figure out how to get all that stuff back home...


New Member
Not sure if i mentioned before, have arranged for all 5 camos that have camo resin. GDX'S this month, GD-120's in April. Bringing this up now (or again) because Casio USA officially announced today!



sent with aloha

yes awesome! camomania continues.... I just arranged for something else.. but will keep it a surprise.. hehe...